
Current mood

Writing something after a long time. Thought I might as well start with a reflection of my current phase: Over the last few months, she seemed to be going through a very weird phase; She couldn’t decipher what it was, everything seemed to be like a thick haze. Despite giving things her best and trying everything with utmost sincerity, She only seemed to be falling apart, struggling for the much-needed clarity.   There was a strange kind of fatigue; and she felt drained out - physically and emotionally. She was unsure of how to go about things; she seemed to be going about the ordeal rather woefully. Nothing seemed to excite her, not even the things that earlier used to stimulate. With even the smallest of tasks, personally or at work, she just seemed to stagnate.   She had taken years to rebuild her confidence and now with that she seemed to be struggling;          This exhaustion, as clinical as it was, was only becoming more and more stifling. The self-doubt started to play with her